We can help you build a home in Richland with no money down in the new White Bluffs subdivision!  Homes will be priced from $190-300,000.  There are five builders available to choose from:  Valiant Homes, Septan Homes, Conner Construction, Shepherd Homes, and SunCrest Homes.  Choices of lots, house plans, and builders can sometimes be overwhelming; we can guide you through the process and help find the perfect fit for you!  Zero-down financing is available for qualified buyers through the USDA.
Many people don’t realize they can have their own agent to represent and assist them through the building process. Â Building is very competitive–we have helped six clients build homes so far this year. Â We’ve been able to help by negotiating lower-than-asking prices, making adjustments during the building process, and ensuring the closing proceeds in a smooth and timely manner. Â Just as the seller pays both agents during the purchase of an existing home, most builders will pay both agents, allowing you to build a home with the help of your own agent at no additional cost!
If you’d like more information about building in White Bluffs or have questions about USDA financing, purchasing a lot, personalizing a house plan, or finding the right builder to fit you needs, please call us at (509)845-4570.  We’d be happy to help you out!
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